Part 3 :)
Only 4 pictures, all themed but very pretty indeed
Today I went to the library and borrowed a recipie book.
迷恋巧克力Chocolate (Mi Liann Qiao Ke Li) By Xu, Zheng Zhong 许正忠 and Lu, Yi Yong 吕依蓉
I have decided to post pictures of my favorite recipies. These are just pictures of the food with the name. They will be the main topic for my folowing posts.
I give credit to this book:
迷恋巧克力Chocolate (Mi Liann Qiao Ke Li) By Xu, Zheng Zhong 许正忠 and Lu, Yi Yong 吕依蓉 copyright 2005
This is the book cover
Parfait (An American parfait) a dessert normally made by layering cream, ice cream, or flavored gelatin dessert with other ingredients such as granola, nuts, yogurt, syrups, liqueurs, fresh fruit, or whipped topping. A parfait is normally made in a tall clear glass making all layers visible. The term parfait traditionally refers to an ice-cream treat similar to a sundae.