Part 3 :)

Only 4 pictures, all themed but very pretty indeed

Here comes spring 春光乍现

Love Forever 百年好合

Winter's Love 冬季恋歌

Midsummer Night's  Dream 仲夏夜之梦

~ Title of one of Shakesphere's plays

Part 2 :)

Chocolate Biulee 巧克力 布蕾

Chocolate and Mocca Mousse 香浓摩卡 巧克力杯

Rose Chocolate Mousse 白巧克力 佐玫瑰库利

Angel Chocolate Mousse 天使巧克力

Chocolate Palph Cheese Cake 巧克力 罗浮起士

Almond Cheesecake 杏仁 起士

Royal Cheesecake 皇家 起士

White chocolate cheesecake 白巧克力 乳酪

Chocolate Truffles 松露 巧克力

Black Forest Pie 德国 黑森林派

Chocolate Hazelnut Party 巧克力 榛子派对

Chocolate Latte Pie 拿铁 巧克力派

Black Chocolate Orange 黑色柳丁

Raspberry Melody 覆盆子 恋曲

San Antonio Chocolate Puff 圣东尼 巧克力泡芙

Vienna Princess 维也纳公主

Chocolate Muffin 巧克力 马芬

Chocolate Cake chip with whipping cream 巧克力 糖果烧

Today I went to the library and borrowed a recipie book.

迷恋巧克力Chocolate (Mi Liann Qiao Ke Li) By Xu, Zheng Zhong 许正忠 and Lu, Yi Yong 吕依蓉

I have decided to post pictures of my favorite recipies. These are just pictures of the food with the name. They will be the main topic for my folowing posts.

I give credit to this book:

迷恋巧克力Chocolate (Mi Liann Qiao Ke Li) By Xu, Zheng Zhong 许正忠 and Lu, Yi Yong 吕依蓉 copyright 2005

This is the book cover

credits to :
picture url-


Parfait (An American parfait) a dessert normally made by layering cream, ice cream, or flavored gelatin dessert with other ingredients such as granola, nuts, yogurt, syrups, liqueurs, fresh fruit, or whipped topping. A parfait is normally made in a tall clear glass making all layers visible. The term parfait traditionally refers to an ice-cream treat similar to a sundae.

Isn't this the cutest? Not sure if it would be considered a parfait. Well it came up in the search results....

Well, I never eaten any other parfait other than the ones pictured. Isn't there just one type? Well apparently not. There is a French and American. The ones pictured above are "American". A French vesion would be "frozen syrup made of sugar syrup, egg, and cream." I think they are similar though. I don't care much for Mcdonald's parfaits though... Picky about parfaits.

* Pictures taken from the web.

Mmm...Mmm... Mmm!

Some more chinese food especially prepared for our honored guests.

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