
Parfait (An American parfait) a dessert normally made by layering cream, ice cream, or flavored gelatin dessert with other ingredients such as granola, nuts, yogurt, syrups, liqueurs, fresh fruit, or whipped topping. A parfait is normally made in a tall clear glass making all layers visible. The term parfait traditionally refers to an ice-cream treat similar to a sundae.

Isn't this the cutest? Not sure if it would be considered a parfait. Well it came up in the search results....

Well, I never eaten any other parfait other than the ones pictured. Isn't there just one type? Well apparently not. There is a French and American. The ones pictured above are "American". A French vesion would be "frozen syrup made of sugar syrup, egg, and cream." I think they are similar though. I don't care much for Mcdonald's parfaits though... Picky about parfaits.

* Pictures taken from the web.


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